• Photo by Nicky Jenner - Honeybee on winter honeysuckle flower

    Learn to garden in tune with yourself and nature so you can reconnect with wonder, beauty and hope in your every day

Seasonal stories, inspiring conversations and personalised support so you can reconnect with nature and garden for wellbeing

Nicky Jenner

Gardener and Grower | Gardening Mentor | Conservationist | Writer | Photographer | Podcast Host

Hello and welcome,

I’m Nicky Jenner and over the last 20 years I’ve been supporting incredible people and organisations around the world - from Belize to Namibia - who are dedicated to conserving and restoring the natural world around them. 

Today, my focus is also close to home where I live and garden in the heart of Devon, England. Here, together with my young family, we are creating a biodiverse haven in which our wellbeing and nature both thrive. It is a process and a place of magic and one that has been instrumental in helping me overcome depression, anxiety and burnout.

Co-creating a garden with nature can gift you moments of connection, beauty and wonder in your every day. For me, it has been medicine for mind, body and soul.

Yet I know from experience and in working with others that there can be obstacles that stop us taking action to create a garden we love and that hold us back from enjoying the time we do have in our garden and the many benefits it gives us.

Perhaps your garden feels like one more thing on an already long to-do list, a burden or a chore. You might feel ‘behind’ or disconnected from your garden, daunted by the prospect of gardening or unsure where to begin. Perhaps you worry that you don’t know enough or that you don’t have ‘green fingers’. Maybe spending time in your garden feels like a luxury, something for you that you struggle to prioritise. You are not alone.

I created Lights On Gardens for you.

An online space in which I support you to reconnect with your garden and grow your inner and outer worlds so that you can learn to garden in ways that leave you feeling nourished, connected and motivated to create a garden you love.

I want nothing more than for you to fall in love with your garden and the life it supports, loving it as it is and knowing it holds potential for magic. 


Music created by and used with permission of Rachel Catherine.

Unearthing Wild Wonders - a podcast connecting you with the wisdom and wonder of the natural world. Join me as I talk with inspiring guests who generously share their passion, stories and wisdom to gift us all a deeper understanding of the magic and mystery of the natural world.  

We explore our connection with the natural world, what we can learn through deepening this relationship, how it can heal and nourish us, and how we can all make a difference in our own ways.

This podcast comes from my heart and I hope that you will feel inspired, excited, and more connected with the natural world and that it fuels your curiosity and sense of wonder, awe and hope. Because in the challenging times in which we live we could all do with more of this in our lives.

You can follow Unearthing Wild Wonders on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your preferred platform of choice.

If you’d like to be the first to hear about upcoming podcast episodes and receive micro moments of wonder in your inbox sign up for my newsletter below.

Everyday Wonder

Immerse in micro moments of wonder delivered to your inbox

Slow down, grab a cuppa and immerse in the wonders of the natural world, delivered to your inbox, with beautiful imagery and words to transport you to some of the ordinary moments in my every day that have sparked a little magic.

I hope it brings you a few minutes of quiet calm so that you too feel inspired to look up and notice the little things that connect you with beauty, wonder and hope in your every day.

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Follow on Instagram @nickyjenner_hawksdawn for seasonal images and thoughts on living and gardening more in tune with yourself and nature.