Logo for Lights On Gardens

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to Lights On Gardens, a restorative online membership created for you, to help you nurture a relationship with your garden so you can grow your inner and outer worlds in ways that nourish your wellbeing and allow nature to flourish.

Through Lights on Gardens we support you to shift from feeling uncertain, overwhelmed and disconnected from your garden to inspired, supported and with the confidence to take action so you can make the most of the time you have in your garden and co-create a garden you love.

By transforming your relationship with your garden to one of connection, wonder and nourishment you and your garden can grow together.

Lights On Gardens is a collaboration between conservationist and plantswoman, Nicky Jenner, and master neurocoach and founder of Lights On learning, Julia Black, with wellbeing and nature at its heart.

Because when you learn to co-create your garden in tune with yourself, your site and nature, you can create a magical space that brings more curiosity, connection and hope into your every day life. It is medicine for mind, body and soul.

Gardening in this way has impact. Gifting you moments of wonder, beauty and calm, enhancing your wellbeing, and providing vital habitat for wildlife. 

Through your garden you can make a real difference.

And when we come together in community, imagine what becomes possible for ourselves and the life our gardens support..

Reconnect with wonder, joy and hope through your garden & learn to garden in ways that support your inner growth and wellbeing, inspire creativity and nurture nature. 

Photo of Nicky Jenner sitting outside

Nicky Jenner

I am a conservationist, gardener and flower grower, mentor, writer and photographer living in the heart of rural Devon with my young family. I’ve always felt deeply connected with nature and the rhythms of the living world and have been gardening since I was young. Growing up my dream was to create a haven for wildlife. Today we are doing just that, creating a garden in which nature and our family can thrive. It’s a process and a place of magic. But it’s not always been this way. Depression, anxiety and burnout have been recurrent challenges in my adult life. Reconnecting deeply with nature through my garden has been a key part of my journey to overcome poor mental health and reconnect with a life I love. So when I say nature and gardening can be powerful for nourishing mind, heart and soul, it comes from living it. Through Lights On Gardens I share my passion, experience and understanding of the natural world to inspire and support you in your gardening journey.  

Julia Black

Photo of Julia Black

Julia Black, CEO, founder and creator of the transformational Lights On® LEARN framework, is a writer, filmmaker, social entrepreneur and Master Neurocoach. She lives in rural Somerset and is a mother to two teenagers. In 2010 she won the NCPTA Gold Star award for Changing the Life Of The School and ever since has been a passionate advocate of empowering children and families to shine their brilliance into this world and make a positive impact. When we place mental wellbeing at the heart of our learning and growth everything shifts. Bringing nature into the healing and growth process means we can naturally align and entrain in a more harmonious way with the world around us.

How can Lights On Gardens support you?


  • Through seasonal invitations and inspiration we help you to bring more wonder, joy and hope into your life through your garden

  • Monthly calls fuel motivation to keep showing up for yourself and your garden whilst simple how-tos and online support builds your confidence so that you can take your next step to create a garden you love

  • Our ‘Garden your mind’ calls bring focussed attention to the way you think and feel in your relationship with your garden, and help uproot and shift any blocks that might be holding you back so you can move forward

Your Garden

  • Tune into your garden dreams with prompts and meditations, monthly calls and online support so that you can sow a vision for your garden

  • We help you to get to know your garden as it is now so that you can unearth your garden’s potential and begin bringing your vision to life

  • Through monthly calls and personalised support in our online community we invite you to take inspired and intentional action, making the most of the time you have in your garden, to grow a garden you love one step at a time.

Your Connection

  • Explore how you want to feel and who you want to be in your relationship with your garden, so you can nurture connection with your garden and feel nourished by it even when you’re not outside

  • With monthly calls and invitations, we help you become more aware of the thoughts and feelings that arise in your relationship with your garden so that you can grow your inner world as you grow your garden

  • Connect with others on their gardening journey through our online community space so you can learn, grow and celebrate together

  • Through community, conversation and gardening, learn to tune into the co-creative energy of gardening in partnership with your site and with nature, so that you can garden in ways that benefit you and the life your garden supports

What members are saying…

  • “My relationship with my garden is changing so much since joining Lights On Gardens. Totally for the better. It is so different to any other gardening course. On a totally different level. It settles the brain.”

  • “It's a space that has helped me to connect with my garden. I've got to appreciate it more exactly as it is and to realise there is much potential for growth. This is a nice place to be, because I can enjoy being in it and love it and recognise that I can do things that I hadn't thought of before. It has helped me to take ownership of it. I used to sometimes get help to keep on top of it, but I feel more now that I have my own relationship with it … I notice things in it and love it more. I slow down to appreciate it. I feel that I can try things out, and I feel less worried about making mistakes. We can do things and see what happens.  I love the life of it.” 

  • “This enlivening, rich tapestry you've created and shared stays with me when I putter about the garden, pondering, seeing new partnerships not seen before, not rushing ahead in action but observing a while longer, and soaking in much more. Thank you Nicky, thank you so much.”

What’s Included?


Small group calls once a month to support your garden journey. Calls embrace celebration, connection and community. We meet you exactly where you are and support you in nurturing a relationship with your garden and taking action to create a garden you love.


A private online community in Slack away from the noise, scrolling and distraction of social media. It’s a space where you can bring focus to you and your garden, and support one another as you learn and grow together so you can make the most of the time you have when you step into your garden.


Share your challenges, questions and receive guidance and support when you need it. Lights On Gardens is not a course nor is there a lot of content to consume. It is a co-creative experience in which we learn and grow together, through our gardens.

Garden your mind

Quarterly group coaching session with master neurocoach Julia Black to explore the thoughts and feelings that arise in our relationship with our gardens and gardening practice over time, so that you can overcome the blocks and enhance your gardening experience.


Seasonal invitations to nurture nature connection and take action to bring your garden dreams to life.

Behind the scenes from our ever evolving garden here in Devon where we are creating a garden for wellbeing and for nature.


Our private online community space and monthly calls provide focus and accountability, helping you to stay motivated and connected with your garden and your dreams. We tune into the power of celebration, unearth obstacles and grow through the challenges that arise along the way so that you continue to take your next step forward.

If you have a growing area or garden of any size and are:

  • looking to reconnect with wonder, beauty and hope through your garden

  • wanting to move beyond overwhelm, procrastination and worry so you can make the most of the time you have in your garden and take action to bring your garden dreams to life

  • ready to tune into the magic of co-creating your garden with nature, so you can experience more connection and joy in your every day

Join our Lights On Gardens community for £33 per month or £330 for the year (12 months for the price of 10) and let’s garden and grow together.

If you have questions or if you’d like to have a chat to see if Lights On Gardens is for you please get in touch

If you know Lights On Gardens is for you sign up below.

Join Us

Lights On Gardens
Every month
Every year

Join Nicky, Julia and our growing community

Photo by Nicky Jenner - painted lady butterfly on Verbena

Join for a month, a year or longer. The choice is yours.

You can cancel anytime, with cancellation effective at the end of your billing cycle.

Gardening with you in mind