Photo of Nicky Jenner standing at a door

Hello and welcome

My name is Nicky Jenner. I’m a conservationist, a plantswoman, gardener and flower grower, a published writer and  award-winning photographer. I live in the heart of Devon with my young family, two dogs, chickens, bunnies and an abundance of wildlife. 

I’ve been involved in ecological research and international nature conservation for nearly 20 years, working alongside extraordinary individuals committed to conserving biodiversity around the world. 

I believe we can all find ways to embrace wonder in our everyday and encourage nature into our lives and that individually and together we can make a difference.

I’ve been fascinated by nature and gardening for as long as I can remember. I made my first garden age 10 and my dream then was to create a haven for wildlife. Today, we are doing just that - creating and nurturing a space in which our family and nature thrive. Read more here

Through photography and writing I share my connection with the natural world and passion for gardening, seasonal living and quiet spaces to inspire you to connect with nature and seek out the beauty and wonder in the ordinary and everyday. 

In my online membership Lights On Gardens - a  collaboration with Master Neurocoach Julia Black - I  help you to nurture a relationship with your with garden, connect with nature and take action to create a garden you love that nourishes your wellbeing.

If this resonates with you I’d love to hear from you. You can get in touch here

Photo by Nicky Jenner - butterfly on a boy's arm
Photo of Nicky Jenner holding salvia cuttings
Photo of Nicky Jenner filling a pot with compost